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Arriving from Bulgaria in southeastern Europe, during the difficult days of pandemic, Yoan faced a daunting language barrier, yet his undeniable talent and potential for success were already evident.

Yoan smiling

In fact, within a few months, his confidence and speaking skills underwent a remarkable transformation. Today, Yoan stands as an articulate communicator with an excellent command of English.

Yoan was given the opportunity to improve his English proficiency and mathematical skills at the College and he hasn’t looked back since. Through dedication and support Yoan achieved an impressive grade 5 in GCSE English and attained an impressive Grade 6 in GCSE maths.

Yoan with hands upBut that’s not all. Yoan's consistent excellence, coupled with his leadership within the student group, has made him a beacon of inspiration for his friends and peers. His personal determination and amiability earned Yoan a well-deserved Star Award, at the Uxbridge College Annual Student Awards.

Be brave and be open-minded

Over the years, his leadership skills have flourished, inspiring his peers within the academic community. Boasting 100% attendance and outstanding academic results, Yoan was selected to represent the College as part of the Turing Scheme (which provides students with international work experience placements) with a trip to the mountains and forests of Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver is known for its bustling art and music scene, and Yoan made the most of the opportunity – collaborating with talented musicians and theatre technicians, showcasing his skills and newfound confidence on the global scene.

Yoan explains, “I gained a lot of connections, worked in an industry environment, and collaborated with many professional artists of various backgrounds as a studio, production assistant, and a session musician.”

This experience has supported Yoan’s ambition to follow up on the skills he built at Uxbridge College with a recording, mixing, and production degree course at University of West London and eventually gain a career in the music industry.

Of his time at Uxbridge College, Yoan says: “If you are looking for a safe environment, where you will receive all support you may acquire by the very helpful and caring staff, and prepare yourself for work in the real world, then you should feel confident this is the place for you.”

His advice to potential students….

“Be brave and be open-minded.
This college will give you great opportunities to build on your previous skills
and explore who you are and what you want to do.”