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Picture of 3 male BTEC students collecting their results

Hundreds of Uxbridge College students were onsite, celebrating some amazing individual grades across A-Levels, T-Levels and BTEC qualifications, after results were released on Thursday 17 August. Incredibly, the 2022/23 graduating year have further improved on the outstanding BTEC results for the previous year. Moreover, an amazing 97% A-Level students have passed (with high-grades in line with the national position).

Dylan McTaggart, HRUC Deputy CEO and Principal of Uxbridge College said: “I am so proud of our students and staff – these BTEC, A-Level and T-Level results, across 14 different subject areas, evidence the ambition of our college family. Results like these are only possible if each and every student is supported by our highly passionate staff to succeed to their full potential - students achieve at this college! It’s great to celebrate our students’ efforts, reflected in such excellent results and support their progress onto their exciting next steps.  The College campus is buzzing with activity with Level 3 students busy confirming their choice of university course, or enrolling now onto one of the many Level 4 & 5 Higher Education courses at the College, and onto higher level apprenticeships – many within the HRUC Institute of Technology.’’  

As the first college in London to offer T-Levels, we have seen the numbers grow year-on-year and increased our offer which covers a number of occupational specialisms. We maintained a strong position with results this year including many Distinction and Merit grades and our largest provision – Education and Childcare saw a 100% pass rate - a fantastic achievement in only its second year of results! T-Level students have also benefited from significant industry placements in partnership with local, regional and national employers who have supported this exciting qualification which provides students with an opportunity to combine their college study with on-the-job experience.

BTEC results enjoyed another phenomenal year of success with initial indications that we continue to be one of the highest performing colleges for BTEC qualifications, improving on last year’s high results. With significant numbers of students choosing to study with us and benefitting from amazing facilities and the knowledge and skills of our industry specialist staff, we are delighted that so many students are progressing onto courses at the College and through our very own West London Institute of Technology, as well as other universities.

Achievers at Uxbridge College included:

  • A-Level student Shaliny, was Uxbridge College’s top achiever this year, with four A* grades in Biology Chemistry, English Literature and Physics. Shaliny, who was also Uxbridge College’s Student President 2022/23 is planning to go to university to read medicine. She said: “I am very pleased with the level of support I got from the staff. If you are considering coming to college, Uxbridge College will be a great foundation for your future. It equips you with a smorgasbord of skills which will help you immensely, by giving you a head start for your future. The diversity of the student population makes people feel like they belong here.”
  • A-Level student Denzil achieved four A grades in Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths and is off to study Physics and Maths at university. Denzil said: “The teaching staff were very supportive and helped me to achieve my grades. Uxbridge College is a wonderful college with good facilities and an enjoyable environment.”
  • A-Level student Willow achieved three As in English Literature, History and Politics and will be continuing her studies at Cambridge University. She had a good experience and said: “I enjoyed studying at Uxbridge College. The best thing is the choice of subjects and the supportiveness of the teachers. If you are considering coming to college you should come here.”
  • BTEC Level 3 in Mechanical Engineering classmates Canny, Deepak and Thilona were celebrating their excellent results - two of them gaining D*D*D* and one of them achieving DDD. All three are heading to university to continue their studies having benefited from teaching staff that they thought were really good and very helpful.
  • T Level student Rumaysah, who achieved overall distinctions in her Education and Childcare qualification is now going into employment in primary school. She said: “It has been a good experience studying at Uxbridge College and the best thing has been the staff and the environment. For anyone considering college I would say give it a go.”

Dylan also added:

“Uxbridge College and the wider HRUC group is a fantastic place to learn and progress. With a number of high-quality study programmes on offer, students can find the opportunity that’s right for them and we are here to support their career aspirations with a range of options and choices for their future plans.

These strong results acknowledge the hard work and effort that goes into gaining a qualification and I am delighted that so many students have achieved the results they wanted and are going on to positive destinations.”


Uxbridge College is part of HRUC, a merger between Harrow, Richmond and Uxbridge Colleges.